Video on Entering Items Here: Entering Inventory
Written out Directions:
Select the sale location in which you would like to participate in from the "Sale Locations" tab. If you have not registered as a Seller you will need to do this first. Log into your Seller Account you will click returning seller you will enter your consignor number and password. After doing that it will bring you to a page with an activities menu, click on that menu box and it will bring a drop down feature for you to use to schedule a drop-off, select volunteer times, if you choose, and enter inventory. Click the link schedule a drop off to select your drop-off time. Select volunteer to work if you would like to schedule a volunteer time. You will select work with consigned inventory to enter your items ;) Once you click that link you will then select work with my consigned items(active inventory) then you are going to enter your items. There is a spot for category, you will select from the drop-down for the category ex: Boys clothing, Girls clothing, Toys, etc. then there is a spot for size, you only use this for clothing or shoes, then there is a spot for description, you can be as descriptive as you want we have some that are very descriptive ex: Gymboree Long sleeve Butterfly top and some that are not as descriptive ex: Gymboree top. Then there is a spot for the price, whatever you choose, then you will hit submit. Your item is now entered :) Also note there is a box that you can check if you choose to have your item marked down on half-off day and there is a box if you choose to donate your item if it does not sell. Those boxes can be left totally blank if you choose not to donate or to participate in the half-off day! If you would like to participate in either of those make sure to check the appropriate box. Once you are done entering for the day there is a box that says return to inventory method. You can click on this and it takes you back to the previous screen. It is on this page that you will see a link that saysPrint Tags you will click on this when you are ready to print tags. We have some sellers that print tags as they go, or some that choose to wait and print tags once they have finished entering everything! Please note you can print tags all the way up until your drop off...However you need to have all items entered into the computer by Wednesday March 18th at 11:59pm.